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First Review Incoming ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Viggo is pure action-hero in this epic tale of politics, war, treachery, loyalty, and hope. Prepare for sleepless nights ahead.

Viggo, the hero of this epic tale, comes crashing into this story in a headlong, full battle-rattle style that might as well be his trademark. He is young, headstrong, quiet, and absolutely loyal to his clan and his king.

But trouble comes into his forest in the form of two strangers from the Northlands. Netalia and her warden are fierce, determined, and definitely hiding something. All Viggo knows is that she calls herself the last Lore Keeper, and for some unknown reason she wants Viggo to travel with them, and soon begins to refer to him as the Secret Keeper.

"As his eyes took in the carnage, he realized everything that had happened in the last two weeks was no longer just talk of a distant threat. He was stuck in the middle of something unknown and deadly, and his role suddenly felt somewhat more intractable."

This saga has the feel of a legendary tale as Viggo finds himself thrust into a world of shifting alliances, deep secrets, and a lore he cannot comprehend. He is ruled by his heart, his loyalty, and his intense desire to protect. The fact that he does not understand the nature of their quest is secondary to him. For most, this would be a detriment. For Netalia and Viggo, in this time, it is of great value.

"Eyes from a different hill remember the same valley differently."

The author has created a rich and exciting world. One in which disputes are often settled with the blade, and treachery rarely goes unpunished. While the entire story is well written and full of adventure, intrigue, mystery and magic, it is the fight scenes that most capture the reader. That sense of being in the midst of the battle, of wielding the sword or axe, hearing the clash of iron or the agony of the fallen, and smelling the stench of death. Those are the scenes in which this author excels. They move at a lightning quick pace and grab the reader in a grasp so tight it seems hard to breathe until the scene is over.

While Viggo is open and honest, full of honor and a love of life, Netalia is in many ways his opposite. She is shadow to his light, secrets to his openness, and jaded to his appreciation for the beauty of life.

"Viggo accepted that life offered hope, but often held it for ransom."

Readers who enjoy epic adventures, daunting quests, and strong characters that give to their last drop of blood for a cause they believe in, this novel awaits.

- Terri Stepek, reedsy review

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