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Calling all fantasy readers!

Hello everyone

With my book release imminent (April16), I wanted to offer a wee explanation about my book Secret Keeper and outline 'why I wrote it.'

I have mentioned before that this is not the first book manuscript I ever wrote. Why then did I decide to publish this book instead?

To answer that, let me tell you first a little bit about what Secret Keeper is (without spoilers).

Secret Keeper and the 'Lore of the Blood' series is an effort to write a fantasy story that borrows from science and psychology to create a magic system that could seem almost plausible. I have been inspired by taking a little bit of a different look at what the human conscious is actually capable of. Perhaps similar maybe to the tv show, Freud, (have you seen it on Netflix?) I have been inspired by accounts of 'broad thinkers' in history, and especially ritualistic cultural beliefs and legends, which so often seem 'so fantastical' that one may wonder how they are believed, much less carried out in community and culture. Everyday we can hear things that are going on in the world and think, "That would be hardly credible to write about, even in a fantasy!" But our world is a strange place and we often accept what we hear.

I find it a fascinating mix, to combine modern scientific learnings about interacting with consciousness, (meditation and hypnosis) along with cultural legends and myths which I use to imbue the story with its own foundation in psyche and personal awareness.

At the same time, I have been very much focused on creating real feelings and motivations in my characters that are relatable and give a natural grounding basis that is visceral and brings stakes to the plot that is all in all, a conflict between people (and within people).

The first book's main plot is a hero's journey, which introduces Viggo and develops his character arc as a major POV for the series. I was inspired by non-fiction books mostly to craft the relationship between the two main characters.

The storyline from here branches out to more closely include other character's journeys.

So, I guess the reason I decided to follow through on this book first, was because it began to take on a purpose that I didn't expect. It became a learning curve, and a project that I could use the things that I was learning as inspiration. As a result of of this series being started spontaneously, the world building did not begin as the parameters of the story, but rather, something that took shape from the cultures and 'Lore' of the story. I feel this has made the world authentic but is something I have had to contend with as I progressed.

In other words, this story has a different drive to what I would consider the way I would typically approach writing a fantasy book, but it has been engaging to write. As with any book, Secret Keeper will not speak to everyone, but I hope it finds the readers who will enjoy it.

I began writing because of my love of 'traditional fantasy' and found it to be an enjoyable creative outlet. My more traditional fantasy book is waiting eagerly for me to take it back up, but I will see this trilogy through before turning back to my other fantasy world. I am roughly 35% complete on my first draft for book 2 in the 'Lore of the Blood'. With the foundation of book 1 established, I am now delving deeper into the supernatural elements of the 'Lore of the Blood' to immerse the story deeper into the fantasy genre, and give a better feel for what the 'Lore' is.

A last note on my writing...

Over the course of my writing I developed a philosophy that I hope to stand by. It is to put everything into the book I am writing, without holding back any ideas to use in a later book. If I get the inspiration, I use it in what I am working on and make it the best it can be. I have to trust that fresh ideas and inspiration will come for subsequent books. So far I have not regretted this strategy as it is hard to write a well rounded book and the effort deserves everything you've got. It has also helped me to start to become a better writer (because having a story is one thing, knowing how to write is another.)

A hearty well done if you read this far! I hope you find enjoyment from your reading. Secret keeper will be available on Amazon.

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